The Way of The Servant

You have in your hands The Way of the Servant, the second of the five core texts of The Way of Mastery Pathway, created in a cohesive series of books for the first time. All five are given in the order the teachings were revealed, and each of these is equally important, for they are exactly how Jeshua meticulously set about to restore His teachings, and build His Pathway.

Here, He is describing, in the most succinct, direct, and even poetic language, not the beginning of our journey, nor processes that serve us on it, but, rather, the last and final stage. He is revealing the end of our transformation, as though lifting us from a forest path up an unknown mountain to glimpse the summit, before gently placing us back down and taking the necessary steps, with us!

And so, only as we truly surrender to the deep and transfiguring ways of enlightenment, only as we become lived into all He conveys about serving Love, through the larger body of teachings of The Way of Mastery Pathway, can we become capable of recognizing the depth and wisdom He conveys here.

Every word in The Way of the Servant is saturated in, and conveys a profound ‘encoding’, or spiritual transmission. They quite literally ‘plants seeds’ deep in our unconscious, igniting a Light so deep that it pulls us, like a magnet, through all the stages of healing and growth that yet lay before us, always according to our readiness and willingness. And this comes, in ripe time, from our desire to ‘return Home in God’, to truly know fully the answer to the one question we all share:  

‘Who am I, truly?’

He began this, in many ways with A Course In Miracles, and The Way of Mastery continues what He began there. The Way of the Servant launches the next significant phases of His Atonement and enlightenment process.

For, as He shares, “There is a journey to the Kingdom, and a journey within it.” And while forgiveness fulfills the corrective phase of a return to The Kingdom, the alchemy that will truly and fully flower the soul’s journey within it is revealed in The Way of the Servant.

It is from this foundation that He would then come to launch the formal three year curriculum of The Christ Mind Trilogy comprised of

~The Way of the Heart

~The Way of Transformation and

~The Way of Knowing.

Therefore, keep in mind, as you read The Way of the Servant, that because He is describing and transmitting these seeds with the end in mind, and because its purpose is not quite the same as providing, as He does later, teachings to gently guide and deepen our studentship, what you find in these pages may jostle you, or even feel a bit uncomfortable. It may seem too cryptic, or even blunt.

So, I would advise to just bring your attention to your breath first, finding stillness within, and simply notice as you relax and immerse in these teachings, what does arise as feeling states for you? What thoughts seem to erupt in the mind? For the light of the seeds being planted will already be working within the depths of your being. 

I know it was this way with me, as I first encountered these teachings, just after they were transcribed by Him, in a little red notebook I carried with me everywhere at that time. I confess that I hated the drudgery of carrying that damn red notebook!

And I hated how what He was saying was fomenting within me, churning up things I was not comfortable with, well before I was capable of understanding that this was just my experience of my own ego being confronted, and feeling like a cornered cat.

There is a Wisdom within its teachings of such infinite depth, which so brilliantly reveals, in good time, what we ourselves will grow to see, to know, and to be in all aspects of living. For The Way of the Servant brings us to the realized experience in space-time, and via the body-mind, of all He would lead us to.

I call this the Seamless Life. When realized, it is for you, the student, an uncompromised life of power and astonishing flow, where your devotion is your practice, your service, your career, your reason for rising in the morning, and is as well, the fulfillment of your deepest longing, the lived answer to that question: ‘Who am I, truly?’

And it will feel that life is living you, not you living it!

All things will feel long ago forgiven. The deepest fears embraced and suffused in Love. There will be a mystery moving you, invisibly like the wind, in ways often impossible to be understood, and not simply by others around you, but even by yourself! And yet, and yet…there is perfect trust, perfect surrender, and the constancy of eternal gratitude for the grace that answered your deepest prayer, and brought you Home.

And this will occur right here, right now, in the very conditions and world you once struggled with. And all things reveal Holy Perfection, Holy Love, Holy Vision, and an exquisite harmony and orchestration, revealing all of a Whole and Holy that Life shares but one purpose: to see that God IS, God is only Love, and only Love is real; not ‘there then’, but ‘here, always and eternally’.

May all beings be freed of their illusion and truly know Who is the breath of their breath, the reason of their existence, and the Love that moves through them to heal, comfort, nurture, and bless His creation. And in this does Heaven come to Earth.

As He put it in A Course in Miracles:

‘Heaven and Earth will pass away means only that they will cease to exist as separate states.’
Here, then, is the culmination of the Vision of the Christ Path, and the book you now hold reveals for you this culmination both in your own unfolding, and in that of humanity.


Lastly, I want to point out that, like The Jeshua Letters, what He teaches here was scribed. The channeling phase was in the future, neatly hidden from me, for He knew that fear would have totally overwhelmed me, and fear defeats the goal of the student’s true healing and waking into Christ Mind.

The loving teacher, which Jeshua clearly is, knows this, and learns to speak the language of the student, so that love may transform, and fear be defeated. Love seems to already know the map each soul will need to travel, with twists and turns designed specifically and uniquely for each of us. And Love unravels and awakens us, from the cobwebs of our own chosen  ‘dream of the dreamer, itself.’

Blessings to you!

Jayem  January, 2019