The Early Years, Vol I

The book you hold in your hand is a transcription of channelings given by Jeshua to public groups from the early years of my work with Him. These teachings are an extensive collection of Jeshua’s wisdom, a vital part of The Way of Mastery Pathway, and are available here for the first time in book form.

As recounted in The Jeshua Letters, after my more personal initial communion with Jeshua, a new period of my studentship and work with Him shifted to a more public stage.

From 1988, until the time He began the three year course of The Way of Mastery: The Christ Mind Trilogy in 1994, He asked that I remain surrendered to Him. This included stepping into this more public role of channeling for groups, something I was very uncomfortable with to start with!

Regardless, however, as word got out, groups would increasingly gather at my home in Tacoma, Washington, and invitations, taking me farther and farther afield, came in as well. All this requiring that I surrender further and further to a process I did not understand at all!

This began with a first group gathering, in which He lifted me out of my body (or what I have come to see as ‘the body’), and then entered into it to communicate with those in attendance.

I refer to this stage as the beginning of the ‘channeling’ phase of my work with Him, although it important for the reader to understand what is meant by that phrase.

Here is what would always happen:

I would close my eyes and initiate a simple prayer He had given me to do, and I would feel myself dropping into a deeply meditative space. Then, a peculiar vibration would begin, increasing, and I would be transported out, and above the body; I could see it below, along with the crowd gathered, as well as a circle of light beings fully encircling the group.

Things would accelerate, and I would experience a rapid movement through multi-colored light. I could witness the crowd, and then the house in which the crowd sat, and then further, wider, “telescoping” out until I could see planet Earth herself, and then rapidly even the physical universe itself would vanish, even as the pulsing, vibrating colored light increased!

Then, it would stop, and I would be aware of being with Jeshua, now together with Him in a field of Light.

He would teach me while I was there with Him, and yet…while all this was occurring, He was also moving into, and teaching through, ‘my body’ to the group gathered together!

At some point, He would tell me, ‘It is finished now’. I would begin to feel a kind of vibrational change, and the reverse of the journey ensued until I ‘zoomed’ downward and landed – often with a kind of shock – in the body. It would often take as much as 30 minutes for me to be able to move a finger, or begin to make any sound as I slowly regained adaptation to the body.

After, it would be so charged with energy that I often would be up for hours, yet in an altered state. Everything shimmered in light, and often objects like buildings, trees, telephone poles, and more, were transparent. I could see right through them!

One night, I was very sick with a fever and strep throat, and was ‘so sure’ the evening should be cancelled. He assured me there would be no problem, and – to everyone’s shock – as I ‘left’ and Jeshua entered, I was told later that suddenly there was no trace at all of my sickness!!  

Indeed, after returning, I experienced the body radiating in clarity and perfect health, only then to gradually feel it ‘sink’ as we all know of as the strep throat returned!  When I asked Him what had happened, he replied:

I would suggest that to be a very good question for you to dwell in. Why has what you call ‘sickness’ returned?’

It is the type of question He lovingly asks, yet it is apparent He is bringing attention and contrast as to why one might use the body for such a thing as sickness, which, apparently, His use of the body did not include!


The Way of Mastery: The Early Years (volumes I & II) transcriptions of these gatherings, originally recorded live, capture what Jeshua taught us all in these beautiful gatherings.  The wisdom, guidance, and sheer brilliance of them is astounding; there is so much in these pages, dear reader, that will help you grow in understanding, support you to truly heal into peace, and more!

You might like to know this as well. Jeshua shared that while this mystical alchemy I was undergoing was part of my studentship, it was also His learning curve in acclimating to ‘my’ body, as well as merging with and learning to utilize the language structure of its ‘brain-mind.’

Indeed, the first phases of this period would find Him often communicating in a slow, monotone voice, with no movement of the body at all. Gradually, over time, He could animate it, and seemed to enjoy using my American idioms that He has accessed through this process as well!

Our interactions were varied and amusing. I would often feel His presence as I, for example, watched a bit of television, and he would make comments of the shows and even commercials. He said He was learning of my world through the part of my soul fixated, and operating through, the body, that tiny thing which I was still mistakenly thinking to be ‘me’!

The Early Years are filled with ancient wisdom, timeless Love, and even prophecy. In opening to this wonderful trove of material from Jeshua, may you enjoy these jewels that He has given us all!

Blessings to you,

Jayem   January, 2019