The Jeshua Letters

This fifth edition of The Jeshua Letters shares the story of my initial encounter, and subsequent communion, with Jeshua (Jesus). But more, it is the first building block in His extraordinary Purpose of restoring His original Teachings and building a Pathway devoted to guiding us into the profound enlightenment and mastery that He calls ‘Christ Mind’.

Though I had no idea of this, in time He would  bring forth – in order – the Way of the Servant, and the brilliant Christ Mind Trilogy, a 3 year Course given ‘live’ as recorded audio and now transcribed as three interconnected books that cannot truly be separated from one another. These are: Way of the Heart, Way of Transformation, and Way of Knowing. Together, these are the essential five core texts of the Way of Mastery, given in the order they were first created. Each of these is equally important. In the Letters, He gives us the Truth about Reality and the Self, establishing cornerstones for all that will follow. Then, In Servant, He transmits and describes the living energy of the very goal of spirituality, and the highest and final stage we can realize in this world.

This sets the stage for actually immersing in the living journey of the Christ Mind Trilogy. Between scribing Letters and Servant, there was a several year process in which He adapted my body and mind so that He took me out of them and then entered to teach ‘live’ to groups all over the U.S. These are now collected and transcribed asThe Early Years, covering a wide range of fascinating subjects (His life, the soul, sexuality, and much more).

Further in the rich unfolding of His PathWay The Living Practices and Aramaic Teachings, which I have come to view as the ‘graduate school’ level of the Pathway.

All have been brought forth through my continued communication with Jeshua, over decades now, from His direct guidance, and at His request. Yet, all that matters, dear reader, is that you are holding this specific volume, now. What if God’s love is already answering the deepest prayer of your heart’s longing offering you what is most helpful now? For it is the quality of our ‘studentship’ and depth of our willingness to open and receive that are the critical essence of the Journey!


Having gone over the preparation for this new edition, I can’t help dropping into a long reflection of all that has followed since His first appearing to me in July, 1987, out of a field of brilliant white and golden light.

Jeshua’s apparition was full bodied, as if I were speaking to another human being, standing right in front of me, in my living room!

The events of that day would profoundly, utterly and radically change the course of my entire life, as it would for thousands of others, as I would come to see in time.

It occurred as I sat in open eyed meditation, having responded to a voice that vibrated within me, as well as heard all around, asking me to ‘sit and meditate’

Afterwards, and for the next few days, all background mental chatter completely stopped. There was a lucid stillness, and though I continued to function, in great effortlessness, I sensed a profound shift as if moved from one sphere of ‘my life’ into a new sphere of ‘I am only now beginning to discover real Life’. As if the bell had rung, and recess was now over!

Immediately following the completion of The Jeshua Letters, just minutes after the “ink was dry”, that I was guided to write the following:

“A moment ago, as I completed the last sentence of this book, a memory flashed suddenly across my mind. It came with such clarity and power that I not only saw the image, but I also experienced the smells and sensations.

I am about five years of age, and my mother has brought me to an evening service at church. There are candles in every window sill, their enchanting light flickering off stained glass that seems to disappear far above me into pointed arches.

We sit in hard wooden pews that – from my viewpoint – stretch on for an enormous distance, finally giving way to a carpeted platform, upon which sits an altar draped in fine white linen edged with a golden fringe. On the altar are two candelabras placed on either side of a golden crucifix.

Beyond the altar hangs a towering cross that reaches from the vaulted ceiling all the way down to the altar itself.

I feel something. Turning to my mother, I state matter of factly, “He is here Mommy.”

Without turning her head from the hymn book she is thumbing through, she asks, “Who is here, dear?”

“Christ,” I answer confidently.

Now she turns to look at me. “No, honey, that is not Christ. That is the minister you see.”

I cannot see the minister at all. “No, Mommy, Christ is here!” My response is insistent, and somewhat loud, so that the man sitting on the other side of my mother glances at me, then at my mother. Both of them smile and I am asked to be quiet, as the service is about to begin.

With surprise, it becomes clear that no one else has noticed Him and, perhaps for the first time, I doubt. But what, then, was that feeling?

Later, when I had learned to read, I would often sneak a flashlight to bed and, when I was sure everyone else was asleep, I would get out my Bible, crawl way down in the covers to shield the light, and grapple with the discrepancy between the feeling I got from the words attributed to Jesus (the same feeling I had in church that night) and what everyone else was telling me His words meant. I even prayed a lot, since I had been taught that God answers prayers. I was pretty sure my requests had been overlooked!

Gradually I grew frustrated. The older I got, the more I realized I was in the minority. In fact, as my social world expanded it seemed apparent that most people really didn’t care much about such things. They were either too busy to think about it, or they were quite sure where Christ was: in heaven, sitting at the right hand of God.

I don’t remember just when it happened, but I came to forget that feeling and in my own way became entranced with the drama of my life, just like everyone else.

But the Question never really died. It resurfaced years later, and led me to an intensive study of philosophy and comparative religion, where I discovered the treasures of the East: the sublime wisdom of Zen, and especially the deep insights and transformative ways of yoga and meditation. Here that feeling seemed to be not only understood, but actually sought and refined!

For all my enthusiasm and periods of discipline, I also spent a great deal of time avoiding the subject, distracting myself with the conventional forms of avoidance with which we are all familiar. Still, my fondness for Eastern spirituality continued and, over the years, I moved farther and farther away from anything having to do with Christianity. It is that simple fact that makes receiving The Jeshua Letters all the more remarkable, for the being from which they were received identifies himself clearly as the historical Jesus.

The message contained in these letters is radical, and possibly threatening, depending on your perspective. What I am most certain of is that my childhood prayers have been answered. In fact, it is clear that the whole of my life has been a servant of that Answer, patiently showing me all the places – both inside and out – where Christ is not, as well as gently preparing me to hear the Master, helping me to understand that feeling of the five-year-old boy.

My own journey of awakening is not so very different from your own. In fact, I have come to see that it is your own, as yours is mine. For our participation in this grand mystery we call “life” is one of a very sacred intimacy. Though on the surface our lives can appear to be quite different, at very deep levels it becomes virtually impossible to distinguish one from the other.

It is, then, the open, wholehearted sharing of our seemingly separate journeys that helps us all move closer to the Answer we are seeking, regardless of how we ask the Question.

If, by my sharing The Jeshua Letters, even one reader gains light on his or her path, or is compelled to ask fundamental questions in a new way, then the time I have spent writing this book will have been more than worthwhile.”

Now, many years later, my wish for you remains the same: May your own journey be blessed with the same Light He, for all these years now, has blessed mine.

And though we may never meet face to face, I want you to know I am so grateful for each time you choose forgiveness, or are willing to look within, and question the ego’s “little mind,” for every time you are willing to open to new revelations, and are moved to new creations and choices to extend Love to one and all.

I and many others walk with you, and you are not alone. For what Jeshua says is true.

“This we do together, until all of Creation is returned to being only the praise of God’s Presence.”

Blessings to you!
Jayem  (January, 2019)

The Jeshua Letters                                     Epilogue

In the American film classic The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy speaks for the Soul when she realizes something profound has shape-shifted: “Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore!”

And the experience The Jeshua Letters reveals was like that for me. I still notice twinges of disbelief: it feels at times I was swept up and deposited on a far different planet! But, of course, I was swept up, turned inside out, and deposited on the very same planet, but came to be a radically different ‘me’ in the process!

The Call of ceaseless Surrender – no matter what – leaves no room for the mind to ‘reasonably assess’ things, as it comes to release the one thing every mind wants, masking our deepest fear: control!  I can still feel as if it was yesterday when – as you have read – Jeshua replied to me with such a key question:

“My brother, what would you control

Save that which you mistrust?”

The answer reveals a statement of universal wisdom, that there is indeed nothing that needs to be controlled when trust is truly in place.

Every step on the path of healing, and every call to incarnate more of Christ Mind has required me to rest first in this Truth, and learn to see the fear underneath, and then to surrender it, and leap!

My mind still cannot fathom how all that occurred in the last thirty plus  years even could have occurred, unless it is true that God’s Love collapses the need for time, and supports our willingness to submit to the alchemy of the spiritual journey so we become conduits for what He calls in the Aramaic Beatitudes ‘God’s new creations’.

But how can we know this unless we do surrender, willing to go through the inner battles and learn more deeply how to become the Presence in which our deepest drives, fears, doubts, unworthiness, guilt, and all the structured ideas and perceptions we carry about our selves, others, and Life Itself are flushed up into awareness, there to be dissolved in a Love that far transcends the limits of ‘reason’?

The Early Years of channeling…The Christ Mind Trilogy…the years of diving deep and teaching from The Aramaic Beatitudes…being homeless…travelling the globe to share and learn from others (like you!)…pilgrimages to Israel….ten years founding an ashram in Bali…The Jewels of the Christ Mind online Course, and so much more…could I have known any of this would unfold? Of course not! And, boy, did I ever put up a good fight attempting at times to resist every bit of it!!!

We simply cannot unfold God’s life for us. God will unfold His incarnation into our very Soul as the life that unfolds when truly we have surrendered.


The entire body of teachings that comprise The Way of Mastery Pathway are astounding in both depth and breadth, while we remain free to elect just how far along His stepping stones we will choose to walk.

What I have seen now, very deeply in myself and in the journeys of the thousands I have been blessed to grow with (even when such growth sure seemed to be a torment for Ego!) has revealed for me this truth:

Together, we are the makers of the ‘world’. It is really a projection of fascinating ‘frequencies’ made by ‘bending’ Light into its distortions, so that what we see, feel, and believe in is the opposite of Reality. It is here, exactly where we are hallucinating our perceptions, conclusions, all of it. Love is shimmering and smiling at us through all that we see, and can come to see, infinitely.  The problem isn’t out there: its with the nature of the Seer! Turn within, not to escape, but to see through the veils that color Reality. And once we do? Truly, I – as everyone does – believed once that if I just ‘wake up’, I can ‘finally escape this damn world’!

And waking proves this: we are utterly wrong about that. For the result is just the opposite. And this opposite is what sets the true Christ Path apart from most forms of spirituality, even apart from the earlier stages mind will experience within His pathway. What is that opposite?

We are the world. Until we become conduits for the transfiguring power of Love exactly where we have thought we were trapped – like Dorothy in Oz – there is no completion in Christed Being.


As this realization truly began to dawn as a result of my journey under His masterful guidance, He led me to a statement in A Course In Miracles. I had not ever heard anyone teaching ACIM ever refer to it, let alone make it front and center:

“Heaven and earth will pass away means only they will cease to exist as separate states.”

There is no space for the hope of getting beamed up, or avoiding a total commitment to our own transformation, nor to justifying ongoing distraction (which most of the world is made to be, just go shopping)!

The Christ Path is one of both radical self death/rebirth AND a Call to see that ‘there is no other, you see only your Self’. A Call to fully participate in the very process of heaven and earth ceasing to exist as separate states.

And all we need to is humbly, fully, devotedly, allow Love to guide our own unique journey from fear to Love, under all conditions. All the rest will unfold from there, exactly as the creations of ‘my life’ have unfolded from the willingness to be ‘taken all the way, no matter what’.

Though we may never meet face to face, I KNOW who you are, and want you to know I am so grateful for each time you choose forgiveness, or are willing to look within and question the little mind, opening to new revelations, and are moved to new creations and choices to extend Love to one and all. For what Jeshua says is true: “This we do together, until all of Creation is returned to being only the praise of God’s Presence.”

Peace comes when, truly, it is seen and known, it’s the only thing to do with Time.

Blessings to you!

Jayem, January, 2019