The Way of Knowing

The Way of Knowing is the third and final book of The Christ Mind Trilogy, and also the fifth of the five core texts of The Way of Mastery Pathway.

   In the order they were first created, the five texts are The Jeshua Letters, The Way of the Servant, and then The Chirst Mind Trilogy, starting with The Way of the Heart and The Way of Transformation. Each of these is equally important, for they are exactly how Jeshua meticulously set about to restore His teachings, and build the Pathway.

It is requested that the student complete The Way of the Heart and The Way of Transformation before reading and studying The Way of Knowing. By so doing your own studentship will have prepared, and the ‘soil of the soul’ will be open for receiving the revelations that He gives in this, the final core Pathway text.


   Knowledge is the experience of being that which is known, not simply understanding ideas. Waking up truly and radically shatters the most fundamental illusion we all share: “I AM this separate being, this body”. How untrue this is! The more we return to the knowledge of our Identity as Soul, the more what was once called ‘my body’ becomes ‘the body.’

   The body then becomes a stunning expression of Nature that gladly houses the ‘living Spirit’, moving, in a surrendered way, as a communication device of Love, via inspiration, creativity, and simple ecstatic celebration of Innocence.

   If, that is, we take up the work of liberating it from the madness of ego, born directly from a profound, and deeply denied, fear of existing in radical freedom! This is, of course, the work of any genuine spirituality, and Jeshua’s pathway is as genuinely spiritual as it can get!  

   Listen to His essential message in The Way of Knowing:

‘…we come to the great culmination that you are, indeed, as I AM. That in each moment of your soul’s journey you have, literally, created the worlds of your experience – just as I did when I walked upon your plane, just as I continue to do now.’


Not much room left for victimhood or projected blame in that, is there!?

Yet see how this contradicts and corrects the two utterly essential building blocks of all egoic delusion:

~I am a victim of the world, and

~ Someone or something has done this to me!

By stark contrast to these illusions, in The Way of Knowing, Jeshua continues to deepen the illumination of our cosmic understanding, all while guiding us in the ways that deepen our attunement to, and flow from, our union with God. Again, every practice suggestion, and wonder question, is a call to pause, breathe, soften, and abide, letting them work in us in places our minds cannot hope to reach.

While The Way of Knowing is the last of The Christ Mind Trilogy, it is by no means the end of what He would lead us to, if we are willing and ready! Yet, IF we have truly let the teachings work on us, we will know it has given us all that we need, as we listen for the Voice within of our very soul, knowing there is awake within us now the choice for ceaseless unfolding. We come to realize we are not ‘seeking God’, but unfolding IN God, whom we never left!

Just this is the joy of Life, of Creation, of Existence. And we come to know this the more we are BE-ing this!


I feel to address a great temptation here. It is one that we find with so many students and teachers of A Course In Miracles, and The Way of Mastery Pathway. Indeed, it’s a pretty universal temptation.

What is it? The temptation to believe that ‘now I have got it’!

In A Course In Miracles, He begins to wean us from that temptation by reminding us He has delivered us into the hands of the ‘internal teacher’ (the Holy Spirit), who will guide us now. It is so easy for the mind to conclude ‘I am finished’, when in fact, He is saying: ‘This is not an end, it is a beginning. You are now prepared for the Journey. Surrender, and be taught.’

In The Way of Knowing, He does the same. You will notice that He says: ‘you now have all that you need to begin or deepen your journey.’

Again, the ego will tempt us sorely to take this to mean: ‘I am done, this is all I need’, and at this crucial point, we can become attached to this idea, rather than surrendering into an even greater devotion in studentship.

What He clearly is teaching us, rather, is to be surrendered in every moment, to leave our conditioned minds behind, and to rest in ever deeper trust, discovering increasingly what it means to be moved from and within Spirit.

Listen, then, and drink in His words from the final Lesson of The Way of Knowing:

‘The secret then, as I have shared with you many times, is to PRACTICE seeking first the kingdom. NEVER let a day go by in which you fail to ponder the great mystery of God’s Presence.

Never let a morning go by that you fail to begin your day, except in this way:

Surrender all thought of what you know and what you have believed.

Rest in gratitude to the One Who has birthed you.

Ask only to be revealed for you greater Truth, greater wisdom, greater capacity to know and extend perfect Love, perfect trust, and perfect peace.’


I like to say that if anyone sticks with The Way of Mastery teachings this far, there is no hope they will ever leave the Cosmic Hotel California again. Never again tempted by mere delusions. No more able to fool themselves into thinking Separation ever occurred, nor to deny the shimmering beauty of all things, the exquisite orchestration of Love, as it simply works to reveal more of itself in us, as us, and for all beings.

Eternal gratitude to our teacher and Way Shower, Jeshua ben Joseph!


Jayem   January, 2019